About Us

AB-Leadership Solutions is a premier coaching company focuses on working alongside executives and organizations to develop leadership skills and tools to accelerate growth, increase their ability to influence, and build high performing, self-driven teams, to effectively lead in an ever-changing world. Utilizing a customized multilayer approach, we coach and train executives to master the art of leading self and others, to inspire purpose, and to create impact in their organizations, by aligning people, purpose and strategy.

We design and provide a unique blend of applied and integrated professional services for individuals, teams and organizations including executive and group coaching, psychometric assessments, customized development workshops, and masterminding. With over 1,300 alumni, our programs have become an integral part of Rwanda’s leading corporations and university leadership trainings.

We are certified coaches with the John Maxwell Team, licensed to deliver the world’s premier leadership content.
Additionally, AB-Leadership solutions is a licensed distributor of insights discovery training solutions in Africa.

Our Mission

To coach today’s leaders and inspire them to Be and Do better

Our Vision

To create a world where every leader has an opportunity to be propelled
to excellence through professional leadership coaching.

Our Purpose

To develop and design customized actionable solutions that inspire
leaders to become people of influence, command respect and achieve set goals.

Who We Serve

We work with CEOs, C-Level Executives and Directors creating alignment, engagement and accountability through a purpose-driven, tailored program to provide them the tools and strategies needed to succeed an environment of unprecedented uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.


AB-Leadership by Annet BAINGANA